Thank You to Our Long Serving, Hard Working and Absolutely Amazing Brent and Char!

It is with a slightly sad heart we are informing you that our very own Brent Boyd and Char Derzak are stepping down from President and Recording Secretary respectively. Over the years working in the background, seen by few, influencing many. Bargaining for us time and time again, pushing for better wages and rights for all our members. Supporting us through all our grievances making sure everyone is represented and heard. Not to mention the many hours put in outside of work and much more behind the scenes.

We all want to say a huge THANK YOU!

Wishing you both the best, we are truly sad to see you go. The reason I said “slightly sad heart” earlier is because we are definitely happy that you can be done with us! A well earned break and rest after all the sleepless nights. Brent Boyd is remaining on our executive team as an Executive at Large. Thank you Brent. Your experience, time and wisdom are greatly appreciated. To all our members, please shake their hand and say thank you when you see them around. Who knows where our union would be without them!