General Member Meetings are the second Wednesday of each month; except summer months (Jun-Aug).
Windermere Secondary, lower staff room. A few doors down from the engineers room. We also have zoom, please email Adam Crawford for the link (see Our Team page).
These meetings are so members can bring forward things to the executive board, motions can be put forward and where we vote. All members including casual/part-time are welcome.
So you can meet the executive in person, and other members, to ask any question you might have! This is the main place to get your voice heard. In addition, you get your union card after agreeing to join and stand by our values, this is where a member will take the vow of the union called “getting sworn in”. Then we got you! Just kidding… All this plus more, we would love to see you there.
We do not want anything other than member involvement to help us know what our people want. It is hard to speak for you all if we do not know you or your opinions!